Tuesday, November 13, 2012

                This past weekend I had a very odd learning experience that I had not expected to happen.  I decided to go home this weekend to spend time with friends and family I had not seen in a while.  I got home around Friday afternoon, and did not plan on leaving until Tuesday evening, since I do not have any classes until Wednesday. 
                On Saturday night, my boyfriend and I got invited to our friend Brandon’s house for a party with some old friends.  We spent time with our families through the day, and decided to drive to Brandon’s house around eight in the evening.  The party was in a field by his pound in the back of his house.  About twenty people showed up before nine.  As the party was getting started, Brandon brought out his Razor (to explain in detail, this is like a miniature jeep with a roll cage, that can be used for riding in the woods during hunting season or for recreational activity).  I had rode in a Razor before, but never with Brandon.  I had assumed he knew how to drive it carefully, and asked if he would take me a ride on it through the field.  As soon as we had gotten into the Razor, he started to speed up a hill.  I did not have time to put on my seatbelt, because I had no clue we would be going so fast.  As soon as we got to the top of hill, we seen a few deer run across the front of us.  I yelled for Brandon to slow down, and instead of slowing down he made the sharpest turn possible.  If there would not have been a small ditch in the ground, we would have been fine.  There ended up being a ditch, and he had turned to sudden, causing the 1,000lb Razor to flip on my side!  As soon as the Razor started to flip, I realized that we were falling to my side, and I had no seatbelt.  I started to panic, because I was not sure if I was going to fly out or not.  I pushed upwards on the roof as hard as possible, and slunk down into the seat.  As soon as the car slammed to the ground, I could not hold my body any longer, and fell to the ground onto the roll bar.  I had fallen on my back, and seen Brandon above me.  Brandon fell straight on top of my chest, causing me to lose my breath, and it became very hard for me to breathe.  He crawled out, and I slowly made my way out behind him.  Not until I got up and tried to walk did I realize how injured I actually was.  Since we were over the hill, nobody had actually seen us flip, and had no clue what happened.  I had to walk back for help, and finally everyone had realized what happened.  A few of the other guys helped flip the Razor back over, and tried to restart it.  My boyfriend Cory had to rush me to the emergency room, because it started to become harder for me to breathe, and I was unable to breathe in or move my neck.  It was a rough ride to the ER.  As soon as we got there the hospital did everything wrong they could possibly do.  They did not put me in a neck brace until an hour later, which should have been done right away.  The guy putting my IV in did not wear gloves, until I had thrown a fit about how unsanitary this was, and failed to keep my IV in the first time, collapsing my vein.  He tried a second time in a place he was later yelled at for trying, because it is not a good place, and the third time someone else was asked to come in and give me the IV.  I was given many different types of pain medicine, mainly Morphene.  I had to get a few X-rays done, and spend most of my night in the hospital. 
                I was finally released about six hours later, and learned my lesson to always wear a seatbelt no matter what kind of riding device I am in!  I also learned to always stay aware of what is going on in the hospital, because not everyone is sanitary and knows what they are doing. 

***This actually IS a true story, and did happen to me this past Veteran’s Day weekend.  Everything in the story is true, without any dramatization.

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